Md. Khaled Hosen 1


1Post Graduate student and Researcher,  department of Political Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Email: khaled.du502gmail.com  








Power Politics; Emergence; Terrorism; Middle East;


Terrorism, at present instant, destroyed the possibility of safer world and became a great challenging security issue of maintaining the peaceful order of human movement. At this critical moment, it is crying need to clearly identify the root causes of terrorism and how it emerged in global surface. One of the important reasons of the emergence of terrorism in the Middle East is the hard core power politics of the powerful states. The existing literature is not enough for comprehensive understanding about the causes of terrorism in this region. My paper will follow empirical method of study for delineating  the truth that, how blatant power politics of the United States, Russia, and regional countries prevailed divine environment for rising of terror  groups in the Middle East.  



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What factors behind the blame for the emergence of terrorism in the Middle East as the world is jeopardized by recent attacks in many places in the contemporary situation. What are the consequences prevailed for the infuriating emergence of terrorism. The answer is more essential than ever. 


However, for comprehension the grounds of terrorism in the Middle East. Study ought not to focus on one and just sided perspective or giving shortcoming on a particular segment, which incite the wrong evaluation. This study recognized three central, interrelated variables, which are commonly responsible for the extension of terrorism in that region. The author will inspect it in like way to disentangle the muddled realities for the escalation of terrorism in the Middle East.


       In the current world, terrorism is an image of fright. Each and every moment people feel uncertain by the fear of terrorism.  The hearts of people are trembling in suspicion that they may die by the sudden attack of terrorist. It is the global concern and great challenges for the security of the entire humanity. Because peace and security is plundered by the heinous activities of the terrorist and the blood of the innocent people assumes more available to them than water. The recent Paris attacks reminded us again the agonizing experiences. The Al-Qaeda, ISISL or the other terrorist groups now are the images of terror and the painful reality. Since terrorists declared war against states and the people. Therefore, the study of terrorism became the integral part of international politics.


The big questions dictate on our mind why terrorism in the world, particularly in the Middle East? How it has emerged in the global face? And who are the facilitators and benefactors? Is there any political game applied by someone or some actors to strengthen the political power? For finding the answers of the above questions this study is formulated to explore the answers of some basic research questions  by which the author attempted to portray that, how great states power politics and regional internal crises are responsible for the critical emergence of terrorism in the Middle East.





This study will take over Qualitative research strategies relying upon content analysis. The information will be utilized for substance examination are: Articles from academic peer reviewed journals. Addresses and meetings of political leaders and researchers, TV interviews of international specialists. Web sites, Daily, weekly, monthly newspapers, and pertinent books and literature so that the research can acquire the in depth analysis





Before going into the hypothetical analysis, it is required to discuss the theoretical aspects of power politics to understand the relation between power politics and terrorism in the Middle East. From the theory of realism in international politics, it is obvious to us that the nature of the international system is anarchic, means the absence of central authority in the global governance more clearly we can say, “Governance without the government”. Great powers are the main actors in world politics and they operate in an anarchic system. The main goal of states is survival. Mearsheimer, (2006). Structural realism. Therefore, we can argue that, force is the ultimate mechanism to sustain in the stadium of power game. Every state is a concern for its security. Therefore, the states believe that security can be ensured by the maximization of power. And the states continue to apply force till the achievement of the state of hegemony.






For understanding the Middle East strains we need to comprehend the dynamics and multipolar relationship among the internal and external actors of power game. Furthermore, how their approaches prompted the development of terror groups in this region such as Al-Qaeda and ISISL. As Garikai Chengu. (Dec 15.2015). In his article published in Global Research, America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group, identified that, There are basically three wars being pursued in Syria one between the government and the radicals, another between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and yet another in the between America and Russia. The author confidently claimed that, it is this third, neo-Cold War competition that made U.S. foreign policy designers choose to go for broke of furnishing Islamist rebels in Syria, since Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, is a key Russian associate. May be embarrassingly, a number of these Syrian rebels have now ended up being ISIS hooligans, who are straightforwardly displaying American-made M16 Assault rifles. Garikai Chengu(.dec 15.2015.)


In my point of view, there are three power full actors in the power game competition in the Middle East. (1) Regional actors (2) United States and European Union (3) and the Russia






 From scrutinizing the actions and policies of the above three actors in the Middle East the author has determined the objectives of the study to explore the answers of the following research questions for the emergence of terrorism in the region.

(1)     How dynastic and authoritative nature of Middle East states gave the access of the formulation of terrorism.

(2)     How the great powerful states involved in the power competition in that region and why they participated and what are the policies they employed to serve their interest.

(3)     .And how these strategic power games of great powers contributed to the formation of the terror group in the Middle East






There are numerous basic components in the regional internal factors for prevailing the environment of terrorism. This study will attempt to clarify some of them. For instance, the initial patronages from the worldwide forces for their own advantages, the yearning and grisly nature of Arab governments and their wish to duck democratic system and prominent uprising in their own particular kingdoms, with the vicinity of petrodollars, are all the fundamental carter of such a large amount of terrorism in the Middle East.


The authoritative nature of state system


When Hitler came to the highest command in Germany what was the situation? The whole area had to suffer. The present Middle East is loaded with tyrants, savage, and dictators, who bolster their plans regardless of the fact that brutality is required. The majority of the Middle East states is authoritarian character and dynastic legislative issues is as yet winning in current phase. The governments of this state are similar to despots. Since they are a long way from the order of their populace due to the non-appearance of majority rule or participatory political framework. Consequently, the administrations are confronting legitimacy crises which debilitate them in the unverifiable future. Therefore, they took the proactive, forceful steps towards the general population so that no rivalry can develop. These oppressive strategies offer indignation in the brains of the suffered group against the government. In this way, they attempt to discover substitution to take the vengeance.




Huge income gaps between the higher and lower class


The exclusive class and the civil servants of those nations enjoy much financial assets and countless benefits  from petrodollars which gave them extremely extravagant life, however, an extensive number of the populace remain unemployed especially the immense number of youngsters are dejected for facing insufficient salary or income  sources.   This hardship enrages to the suffered group against the ruling government which bolster hostile to government power.


The security dilemma and power competition


 In the Middle East, states are more skeptical of their neighboring state and most concern for the rival power, they consider as the biggest threat to their survival. Therefore, the arms race and power competition are ultimate result. Each and every state are competing for the maximization of power. For that end, they do not bother to take military actions against the rival states or groups as Dr. Hasan Askari claimed in the article published in tribune. pk( April 5, 2015)   “The internal strife in Yemen, and Saudi Arabia’s military intervention there, is the latest episode in the political history of the Middle East, which has been marked by internal revolts, intra-region conflicts, one state resorting to military intervention or supporting dissident groups in another state”  The regional powerful states take efforts to be in the leading position in the region like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qtar ,Israel, Turkey, UAE etc.


The ideological conflicts as the major crisis emerged


Islam and nationalism is the hot level headed discussion in the present Middle East. Basir Nafi claimed in Al Jazeera,( Feb 19. 2008). Notwithstanding the Arabs' inability to set up their united and autonomous state after World War I, youthful Arab nationalists, as Darwish al-Miqdadi, Zaki al-Arsuzi, Edmond Rabat and Qunstantin Zurayq, alumni of the American University of Beirut and French and British colleges, looked to re-underscore the venture of Arab solidarity by utilizing the force of an envisioned ethnic essence. Therefore, the supporters of the two belief system are more concern to clarify and fortify their rationality in both scholarly and in applied field. Furthermore, Both the Arab Islamists and Arab patriots moved to legitimize their presence by revising their own particular history in segregation from the historical backdrop of others, or even by de-legitimizing the other. (Nafi, 2008)


The rise of Islamism in Middle East


This issue is terminating the pressure among the present administrations of the Arab states. The disappointment of nationalism and secularism, the abusive tenet of governments, the feeling of hostile to Americanism, impel numerous individuals to take the other overseeing guideline of their states. This inclinations undermine the predominant administrations. Thusly, the governing states are supporting the terror groups who are agreeable to them to drag out their span. "The greatest advocates of Islamic terror crowds around the globe are Saudi Arabia: a government attempting to impact the region around to sustain its supremacy" Hillary Clinton, (30 Dec, 2009), The Guardian.  )

However why would it be sensible for them? Indeed, on the grounds that individuals in the Middle East are religious, and wish to take after their religion. Yet, this might transform into dangers to them (kingdoms), if it is possible that they don't have rules supporting Islam, or they themselves don't follow up on it. In any case, these verifiable requests can't be satisfied in any absolute monarchy. Henceforth, the need emerges to change the tide into their support: in this way, they planned to adjust religion and how would they attempt that: overwhelming financing to madrasas to spread thoughts expected to give fighters why should willing do anything for their forerunners. Add this to oil subsidizing, and starting backing by the worldwide forces to make armed forces to battle against their foes and consequently, emergence of terrorist organization is self-evident.





Middle Eastern states have been stranded against entrance and intervention by additional territorial states like the US, European nations and Russia (the Soviet Union) either in light of the fact that the Middle Eastern states look for outside backing for their internal and regional agenda  or the extra regional states abuse these conflicts further bolstering their good fortune. Dr Askari Rizvi (April 5, 2015) the Express Tribune pk. The United States and many European partners took an interest in the NATO-drove military mediation in backing of dissident powers that at last toppled the Qadhafi administration. What's more, as showings in Syria swelled into a ridiculous civil war, the United States and the European Union (EU) have enforced sanctions, required a conclusion to the ruling Asad government, and are considering more remarkable material and money related patronage to the Syrian political and armed opposition. "(Rizvi, 2015). 


As per STEPHEN KINZER,( Nov, 24, 2015) in an opinion in Boston Globe claimed that, according to him. “Interventions multiply our enemies. Every village raid, every drone strike, and every shot fired in anger on foreign soil produces anti-Western passion. Some are shocked when that passion leads to violent reaction. They should not be. The instinct to protect one’s own, and to strike back against attackers, is as old as humanity itself”.  He further asserted that, “It was never realistic for the West — the invading world — to imagine that it is an impregnable fortress, or an island, or a planet apart from the regions its armies invade. This is especially true of Europe, which is literally just a long walk from the conflict zone. Now that Russia has joined the list of intervening powers, it too is vulnerable. So is the United States. We are farther away and protected by oceans, but in the modern world, that is not enough. Blowback is now global.” KINZER, (2015)


Moreover, the picture of International intervention assessment in the Middle East shows more clear by the suggestion of The American policy makers in a report to the American congress. Kristin Archick and Derek E. Mix, (June 12, 2013), “The United States and Europe: Responding to Change in the Middle East and North Africa, according to them


“As the major powers were adjusting to these new dynamics, the Middle East was rocked by three phenomena that changed the character of the region and the terms on which outsiders must engage it. First, the Iraq war polarized the coun­tries of the region and roiled relations among the major outside powers. Second, Islamic extremism sunk deeper roots and sparked divisions among outside pow­ers about how to respond to it. And third, the region experienced the so-called Arab Spring, which upset not only the domestic norms of many countries, but also changed many of the personalities and institutions that served for years as con­duits to the outside powers






There dynamic support has exacerbate the environment of the whole region. But the Question is why they involved in the power politics in the far region from the other continent? According to John Mclaughlin, (2015)


Europe and the United States have been more deeply involved in the Middle East than other major powers. The United States has been drawn to the region because of its perceived global responsibilities, commitment to Israel’s security, and energy needs


On the other hand, Henry Kissinger (August 29, 2014) ,” in Wall Street Journal, admitted that, The mastery of a region  by one nation militarily, regardless of the possibility that it brings the presence of order, could create a crisis for whatever remains of the world.


Now the vital question is why the United States and EU blocks are directly intervening and creating a war in the Middle East? The exact reasons according to my point of view, are the following….






we find about the same reason of involvement of Russia what is US, EU s  allience are determined, the geo-political importance, arms market and speacially the oil resources of Middle East lands. therefore, the history of Russian participation in the Arab region is not for few years but many. According to JOHN MCLAUGHLIN, (2015)


Russia recognizes the importance of all the changes underway in the Middle East and is building on traditional alliance relationships to assure its leverage in any resolution of regional issues


Present soviet operations in the middle east are just the most recent appearances of almost three centuries of Russian endeavors to venture into that region, Russian wars with the Turks started in the 1680s, and the subject of access to the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf has posed a potential threat in Russian eyes subsequent to the times of Peter the Great. Supreme Russia and the Ottoman Empire were in regular clash for over 200 years as progressive Tsars attempted to push over the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.







To accomplish their objectives In brief we can say, hypothetically US boost the parity of force and took forceful strategies towards the Middle East. We know the Middle East states are either in American block or Russian block after the breakdown of cold war American strategy turned out to be more forceful for thoroughly ousting the influence of Russia since they thought it is the high time to make this move, in this way, they made following practical strides







Now what are the outcomes the middle East experienced by the great stats powers politics? The international actors for their strategic interest played the multidimensional role so that they maximize their power position. From the earliest starting point of the historical backdrop of the cold war United States applied different policies to oust its opponent part, Russia from Middle East particularly from Afghanistan. For instance, the United States buttressed and prepared the Taliban and Al-Qaeda to encounter against Russia. There are numerous confirmations in supporting of this claims. In (6th December 1993), western media “the Independent” published an article calling “Osama Bin Laden as a warrior”! The Independent 6th Dec, 1993. US bolster Taliban by making participation with Pakistan utilizing their intelligence agency. The CIA and ISI assumed a key part to prepare and help the Taliban. According to YACOV BEN EFRAT,( November 21, 2001)in Green left weekly,


“The fundamentalist character of Pakistan's regime did not bother Washington. On the contrary, the CIA adopted a view put forth by Pakistan's ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence): the Islamic extremists in Afghanistan must be aided in their struggle against the more educated, liberal, left-leaning classes


In addition, AHMED NAFEEZ MOSADDEQ, (OCT.25, 2015), GLOBAL DIALOGUE, Volume 4.  Asserted that, "The United States upheld the Afghan rebels all through the 1980s, until Soviet powers hauled out of Afghanistan. This patronage came in plain structures, for example, permitting and empowering client states, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to offer arms to the Afghan Mujahideen, and clandestinely through direct CIA association fit as a fiddle of financing and preparing. Therefore, US power diversion against Russia in Middle East added to the rise of Taliban as a solid power in Afghanistan.





In the event that we concentrate on the strong affirmation in an article of Former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook circulated in the Guardian, (eighth Jul, 2005), then we will have the capacity to see how western power politics is more in charge of the rise of terrorism in the Middle East. According to him,


“Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s, he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally "the database", was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians. Inexplicably, and with disastrous consequences, it never appears to have occurred to Washington that once Russia was out of the way, Bin Laden's organization would turn its attention to the west”


More thorough explanation, we see from Garikai chengu,( December 16, 2015)   in journal of Global Research. Much like Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS) is made-in-the-USA, an instrument of terror intended to partition and vanquish the oil-rich Middle East and to counter Iran's developing impact in the region. The way that the United States has a long and torrid history of sponsorship terrorist groups will astonish just the individuals who watch the news and overlook history. The CIA initially adjusted itself to fanatic Islam amid the Cold War period. In those days, America saw the world in rather simple terms: on one side, the Soviet Union and Third World nationalism, which America viewed as a Soviet apparatus; on the other side, Western countries and belligerent political Islam, which America considered an associate in the battle against the Soviet Union.The author further stated that,


“America’s relationship with Al Qaeda has always been a love-hate affair. Depending on whether a particular Al Qaeda terrorist group in a given region furthers American interests or not, the U.S. State Department either funds or aggressively targets that terrorist group. Even as American foreign policy makers claim to oppose Muslim extremism, they knowingly foment it as a weapon of foreign policy. The Islamic State is its latest weapon that, much like Al Qaeda, is certainly backfiring. ISIS recently rose to international prominence after its thugs began beheading American journalists. Now the terrorist group controls an area the size of the United Kingdom” (23 chengu, (December 16, 2015) 


The specialists belief that, US and EU squares Iraq war drove the establishment of the arrangement of ISIL as "Tony Blair Says Iraq War Helped Give Rise to ISIS" KIMIKO DE FREYTAS-TAMURA. 26, 10, 2015.New York Times. But once more, there are the colossal force legislative issues behind the ISIL what I have talked about that if there any probability of rising any state which is against the interest of US, the strategy of them is to topple down the specific individuals and change the régime. The most recent assault in Syria is the barefaced illustration of utilization of power politics of more noteworthy states. America is utilizing ISIS as a part of three courses: to assault its foes in the Middle East, to serve as a guise for U.S. military intervention abroad, and at home to incite a produced domestic danger, used to legitimize the phenomenal extension of obtrusive domestic reconnaissance" Chengu, (December 16, 2015) Global Research. As Martin Jay  (05 Dec, 2015) in an opinion with Aljazeera claimed that, 


Russia does not want ISIL to be destroyed in Syria as Putin fears many of the mercenaries from the West will head to Chechnya. The West doesn't want ISIL to be destroyed as it will legitimise Assad's stature. And Turkey doesn't want ISIL to be weakened as this would strengthen the Kurds”


Consequently, the more the length of power politics is commanding in the Middle East, the condition is going more closer to the obliteration of the state's social standard structure and likewise peaceful order of government control to the population in that region. Which will finally provoke the development of substitute power structure to hold the predominance of the state.




Middle  East is pulverized by the horror assaults of terrorists. This region is currently the focal field for the players of power game. The colossal states are busier for extending their strength and flourishing their advantage. As we see, the United States and Russia both are planning to win over one another to support their predominance and accomplish the point of preference, for that end, they utilized the regional despots as their power agent and playing as per their approaches. This study contends that, this power politics of the most powerful states are more in charge of the rise of terrorism in the Middle East.















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