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It is the author's responsibility to bring an infringement action if so desired by the author.</p><p>Articles published in Journal of Asian and African Social Science and Humanities are published under the <a href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license</a>, which permits others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work as long as they credit you for the original creation.</p><p> </p> (Associate Professor Dr. Md. Zahidul Islam) (Prof.(Retd.) Dr. Akkas Ali) Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:18:53 +0000 OJS 60 TRAUMA, CRIME, AND JUSTICE: A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF STRUCTURAL INEQUALITIES AND RECIDIVISM <p>This qualitative study critically examines the intricate interplay between trauma, structural inequalities, and recidivism within the criminal justice system. By synthesizing secondary data from seminal works, the research explores how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) influence criminal behavior and contribute to patterns of recidivism globally. The study highlights the often-overlooked gendered dimensions of trauma, emphasizing the unique challenges faced by female offenders and the role of reintegration support in mitigating recidivism. It delves into the systemic impacts of societal institutions, reflecting elements of human evolutionary history and how these perpetuate trauma and anger within Western criminal justice systems. Additionally, the research investigates the influence of personality traits on criminal behavior, shaped by both genetic and environmental factors. The transformative potential of restorative justice diversion is explored as a structural health intervention aimed at addressing trauma and reducing recidivism. The findings advocate for a comprehensive approach to justice reform that prioritizes healing, rehabilitation, and equity, challenging conventional punitive measures and promoting a more humane and effective response to crime. This study contributes to the broader discourse on crime and justice, offering insights that inform holistic interventions within the criminal justice system.</p> Farhana Sultana Taposi, Ehteshamul Hoq, Md. Mahmudul Hassan Moin Copyright (c) 2024 Farhana Sultana Taposi, Ehteshamul Hoq, Md. Mahmudul Hassan Moin Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MOZAMBIQUE AND NEPAL: REVOLUTIONARY EXPERIENCES ON THE CUSP OF SOCIALISM WHICH REMAINS UNBORN <p>The revolutionary experiences of Mozambique and Nepal present a stark case of revolutions on the verge of socialism which remains unborn. Owing to several factors, the communists and socialists at the helm of these states for several years now have faltered to embark on decisive socialist paths despite their firm hold of state power. The same reportedly hindered its march to socialism. In 1985, Frelimo finally shredded its Marxist-Leninist ideology and embraced the neo-liberal policies in the guise of development and modernity in exchange for loans and aid from multilateral financial agencies of the West. Nepal, on the other hand, is being led by an alliance of communist and socialist parties. However, its march towards socialism is supposedly hampered by the country’s economic backwardness, dependence on aid and labor wages from India and the Middle Eastern countries, ballooning debt from multilateral institutions, the predominance of the peasant class over the proletariat, and the inability of the ruling coalition to forge on a single road to socialist construction. This paper looks into the feasibility of socialism being attained in Nepal and Mozambique whose economies and productive forces are undeveloped, with their people in subsistence living and a meager awareness of socialist ideals among the masses. ? The paper argues the possibility of building socialism as shown by the Soviet and Chinese experience, provided that there is a strong proletarian party whose vision and ardor are consistent with the Marxist theory of history and class struggle. &nbsp;</p> Jacinto, Jr. Valila Copyright (c) 2024 Jacinto, Jr. Valila Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE ERRORS IN THE LAND RECORD OF RIGHTS (KHAIAN) AND THE REMEDIAL PROCEDURE IN BANGLADESH: AN ANALYSIS OF EXISTING REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AND FUTURE REFORMS <p>Land record of rights (known as <em>khatian</em> in Bangla) is an indispensable and integral part of land administration which contains and recognizes the chain of title. It is prepared through surveying and mapping of land plots and updating ownership. It shows all the detailed interests and contains the entire information of the previous and present land owners. However, inappropriate record of rights for example mistakes in land records increases difficulties in every aspect of land tenure. In these circumstances, it is essential to be familiar with record of rights mechanism while making land records so that no mistake takes place. This paper aims to study the existing categories of land record of rights, types of usual mistakes in the record, reasons for such mistakes, methods of correction of mistakes, and liability for such mistakes in the land record of rights. In addition, this paper intends to assess the categories of core causes of challenges in land survey and records, and provides recommendations to overcome those challenges. This article is based on the primary and secondary sources and descriptive in nature. Secondary data has been collected from text books, journal articles, judicial precedents, websites, reports and so on. In completing this study, qualitative approach has been adopted to make an analytical reasoning in identifying the relevant laws as regards Record-of-rights in Bangladesh. Practical experience as a legal officer and associates of Law Chambers has been reflected in this article.</p> Md. Mahmudul Hasan Raziv, Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Jalil, Dr. Md. Tuhin Mia, Farhad Uddin Mahmud Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Md. Tuhin Mia, Md. Mahmudul Hasan Raziv, Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Jalil, Farhad Uddin Mahmud Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000