
  • Kevin Mandopi Institute of Judicial Administration Lushoto


The child should be protected by his rights. Protection of child rights and welfare makes the child able to reach his physical, mental, emotional and social potentials. The child needs to be provided with necessary services for his growth from his parents, relatives and the State. The study by Legal and Human Centre reveals that:

‘There has been an increase of violations of the rights of children in Tanzania. Tanzanian children are seriously vulnerable to cruelties of all forms, including sexual offences, physical and emotional neglect, physical abuse, child labour, and even murder. Rape incidences account for about 75% of the reported.’

Thus, the child needs to be protected against torture and degrading treatments, involving in different pornographic activities, sexual exploitation, drug abuse, and trafficking of drugs, child trafficking, child sale, abduction, degrading fosterage and adoption. The Public Enquiry on Violence and Abuse against Children conducted in eleven Districts in Tanzania to a total number of 307 cases revealed that the child highly suffers from degrading treatment. Thus, appropriate measures are required to be set on place with a view of protecting the child against degrading treatment.


Author Biography

Kevin Mandopi, Institute of Judicial Administration Lushoto




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How to Cite

Mandopi, K. (2016). PROTECTION OF THE CHILD FROM DEGRADING TREATMENT IN TANZANIA: A CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE LAW AND PRACTICE. Journal of Asian and African Social Science and Humanities, 2(4), 70–85. Retrieved from


