In general, the comparison plays an essential role not only on the level individuals but also on the level societies. Especially, the comparative law and Fiqh Muqaran assist to improve the legal structure in the different countries as well as to remove the barriers among the Islamic countries and Muslims respectively. This paper has conducted a critical and comparative study on the literature review aiming to answer several inquiries about the comparison study between Fiqh Muqaran and the approaches to comparative law. Therefore, the definition of Fiqh Muqaran is introduced, as well as the steps of comparison in Fiqh Muqaran, the approaches of  Fiqh Muqaran, the benefits of Fiqh Muqaran and the reasons which lead to Al ‘khtÊlaf between the jurists. It is also illustrated the definition of comparative law, the benefits of comparative law and the approaches of comparative law as well as the steps of comparison in comparative law. In addition, the differences and similarities between Fiqh Muqaran and comparative Law will be discussed. Finally, this paper has been proved that the Fiqh Muqaran is more comprehensive than the comparative law as well as the approaches of Fiqh Muqaran because it is regarded as a method as well as science for achieving the comparison.References
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