
  • Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Irfan


This study examines the role of governance and effective management of development to ensure that fruits of development reach all citizens, specifically Sri Lankan perspective. Major objective of this study is to provide evidence of the link between governance and management of development and to analyze how citizens’ utilizes development through different aspects, modes and features of governance. Governance has increasingly become a major instrument for the successful growth performance and development purposes in the world. Achieving sustainable results in international development depends on efficient, effective and inclusive governance systems that reflect the will of the all citizens. This study is a qualitative research and data were collected mainly from secondary sources such as books, journals, newspapers, internet articles and relevant research articles. Accordingly, this paper is organized as follows: the role of governance to ensure development; governance and development policies; good governance and development; e-Governance and development; finally, poor governance and challenges for management of development and conclusion are provided.

Author Biography

Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Irfan

Lecturer, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language,

South Eastern University of Sri Lanka


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How to Cite

Irfan, M. I. M. (2017). THE INFLUENCE OF GOVERNANCE IN MANAGEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT EFFECTS: SRI LANKAN PERSPECTIVE. Journal of Asian and African Social Science and Humanities, 3(2), 1–20. Retrieved from


