
  • Ahad Gholizadeh Manghutay University of Isfahan


In 2000, the U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright stated: “In 1953 the United States played a significant role in orchestrating the overthrow of Iran’s popular Prime Minister, Mohammed Mossadegh.†(Ramos 2008, 25) Later in 2009, the US President Obama as well reiterated the same. (White House 2009) Despite what was quoted, due to many reasons the US in taking the blame for helping the Iranian King through the operation AJAX to oust his Prime Minister in August 19, 1953 has taken the blame for a wrong happening. That from the legal viewpoint was not a coup d’état by the King. It likely was a plan for decolonization of the oil industry from the United Kingdom. It at the maximum can be deemed as an anti-coup movement against what at the maximum apparently was a coup d’état from the opposite i.e. the Mosaddegh's side. With regard to the legal definition of the coup d’état, and considering the required conditions, in despite to wrong opinions (Ghaffari 2000, 8) it could not be a coup from the Kings side. So, from this standpoint, it not only was not a shameful plot degrading the Iranian government but was a credible triumphant movement.    

Author Biography

Ahad Gholizadeh Manghutay, University of Isfahan

Associate Professor at the Department of Law, University of Isfahan


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How to Cite

Manghutay, A. G. (2019). US’S REPENTANCE FOR A WRONG HAPPENING IN SUBSTITUTION FOR MANY RIGHT ONES. Journal of Asian and African Social Science and Humanities, 5(3), 13–21. Retrieved from


