
  • Ghulam Dastagir "International Islamic Uiversity Malaysia"


International accords are binding upon the state parties. It is the setting principle that... “pacta sunt servandaâ€Â (Pacts must be respected).  Article 26 of the Vienna Convention on the law of treaties states that, “Every treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed by them in good faith.â€Â  Understandably by giving its consent, a state binds itself in respect of its whole territory.  It is argued that states have failed to fulfil its positive obligation to protect women from their intimate partners’ violence. Necessary measures for the sake of victims are needed to be taken, through which they not only could have adequate protection from further or secondary victimisation, but also have enough support and assistance to overcome the consequences of spousal violence as well as they could find chances to rebuild their lives.


Author Biography

Ghulam Dastagir, "International Islamic Uiversity Malaysia"

 PhD Candidate,Ahmed Ibrahim Kulliah of Laws


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How to Cite

Dastagir, G. (2015). OBLIGATIONS ON STATES FOR SOCIAL SUPPORT TOWARDS VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Journal of Asian and African Social Science and Humanities, 1(2), 85–97. Retrieved from http://aarcentre.com/ojs3/index.php/jaash/article/view/25


