
  • aye aye mon International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Mohd Burhan Ibarahim International Islamic University Malaysia


Teaching is a profession which provides teachers with many opportunities to interact with children or adults. This research aimed at exploring the most essential factors that influence teachers in pursuing teaching as a career. Furthermore, the study has aimed at raising prospective teachers’ awareness that as future facilitators they will have a great impact on other individuals in setting teaching as their career path. To fulfill the aim of the study, the researcher has adopted a quantitative research method. A questionnaire survey technique was used as a means of gathering data.  The study was conducted among prospective teachers seeking their career path at the Faculty of Education at the International Islamic University Malaysia. Previous studies have suggested three main factors that might influence prospective teachers’ decision to choose teaching as a career, namely extrinsic, intrinsic, and altruistic. The impact of these three factors on IIUM prospective teachers’ career choice was investigated in the present study. The findings have showed that the altruistic factors had the greatest effect on IIUM prospective teachers’ career path. Moreover, apart from altruistic factors, the study revealed that intrinsic factors also significantly influenced IIUM prospective teachers’ career choice. However, extrinsic factors were found to be the least influential factors in choosing teaching as a career. This study will provide awareness among prospective teachers as well as students who will help the other individuals to choose their career in teaching profession.

Author Biography

aye aye mon, International Islamic University Malaysia

kulliyah of Education


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How to Cite

mon, aye aye, & Ibarahim, M. B. (2016). FACTORS INFLUENCING PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS IN THEIR SELECTION OF TEACHING AS A CAREER: A STUDY ON EDUCATION STUDENTS AT IIUM. Journal of Asian and African Social Science and Humanities, 1(3), 20–39. Retrieved from http://aarcentre.com/ojs3/index.php/jaash/article/view/33


