
  • Faridah Hussain International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Mohd Hisham Mohd Kamal International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Akmal Hidayah Halim International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Tajul Aris Ahmad Bustami International Islamic University Malaysia


Privileged wills is the right of soldiers, airmen and sailors to dispose of their property during “actual military service†and “at seaâ€. The sustainability of this right leads to economic prosperity and social justice. The objective of this paper is to examine the sustainability of privileged wills as a model for combating poverty among soldiers, airmen and sailors in Malaysia.   Privileged wills appear to be relevant and important as soldiers, airmen and sailors may dispose of their properties during difficulties in obtaining advice and assistance to make a formal will. Despite the benefit, it is found that it suffered from problems such as the provision of law does not applicable to Muslims and native soldiers and or there is no clear provision of law to guide Muslims and native soldiers to make a privileged wills. The methodology employed in discussing this paper is a qualitative research using doctrinal and comparative approach to the legal systems. This paper analyses legislations governing privileged wills ranging from the Malaysian Wills Act 1959, the Sabah Wills Ordinance (Sabah Cap. 158), Armed Forces Act 1972 (Act 77) and the English Wills Act 1837. The study suggests that the Government of Malaysia should support the idea to extend the provision of law on privileged wills to the Muslims and native soldiers. This is to enable the society to earn and benefit from the property disposed of by soldiers, airmen and sailors.

Author Biographies

Faridah Hussain, International Islamic University Malaysia

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Mohd Hisham Mohd Kamal, International Islamic University Malaysia

Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia

Akmal Hidayah Halim, International Islamic University Malaysia

Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia, 


Armed Forces Act 1972 (Act 77).

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Drummond v Parish [1843] 3 Curt 522. 7 Jur 538, 163 ER 812.

English Wills Act 1837.

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In the Estate of Spark [1941] 2 All ER 782.

In the Estate of Wilson; Wilson v Coleclough [1952] 1 All ER 852.

In the Goods of Hiscock [1900-03] All ER Rep 63.

In the Goods of Alfred John Wilson, Decd. Wilson v Coleclough (1952) P. 92.

In Re Godfrey (Deceased) [1944] NZLR 476.

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Kitchen, Re Kitchen v Allman (1919) 35 TLR 612.

May v. May [1902] P. 103, n.

Patricia Critchley. (1999). Privileged Wills and Testamentary Formalities: A Time to Die?. 58 Cambridge L.J. 49, 55-58. Retrieved April 29, 2013, from Heinonline database.

Re Stable Dalrymple v Campbell [1918-19] All ER 299.

Re Wingham, Andrew v. Wingham [1949] P. 187.

Re Wingham (deceased): Andrews and Another v Wingham [1948] 2 All ER 908.

Re Booth; Booth v Booth [1926] All ER Rep 594. Also reported [1926] P 118; 95 LJP 64; 135 LT 229; 42 TLR 454.

Re Rapley’s Estate, Rapley v Rapley (1983) 3 All ER 248.

Re Hamilton deceased [1982] NI 197.

Robert J Murphy 11 (1981) Memorandum 81-29 Subject: Study L-603 - Probate Code (Nuncupative Wills), 2.

Sabah Wills Ordinance (Sabah Cap. 158).

St Amaud Mercury. (Vic.: 1914-1918), Saturday 2 February 1918, page 5. Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Wills. Legal Rights of Fighting Man. Retrieved April 29, 2013.

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W. Bowe & D. Parker, Page on the Law of Wills § 20.25. In Robert J Murphy 11 (1981). Memorandum 81-29 Subject: Study L-603 - Probate Code (Nuncupative Wills), 2.

Wills of soldiers on Active Service. (1914). 34 Can. L. Times 1162, 1169-1172. Retrieved April 29, 2013, from Heinonline database.


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How to Cite

Hussain, F., Mohd Kamal, M. H., Halim, A. H., & Ahmad Bustami, T. A. (2016). PRIVILEGED WILLS IN MALAYSIA: THE SUSTAINABILITY OF PRIVILEGED WILLS AMONG SOLDIERS, AIRMEN AND SAILORS. Journal of Asian and African Social Science and Humanities, 2(3), 61–73. Retrieved from


