Tyrant mothers of horrible Injustices focus on issues and factors of crimes and injustices having profound thoughts of discussion. The study has clarified valuable implications and some overlaps between issues of inter -related fields within justices’ fields of study. The final phase of analysis has reached its decisions on findings which indicate the true aspects of contexts in which injustices and crimes abound in places of services include legal courts, administrative offices, political policies based on own gains and cells of forces. Impacts and influences of feminism policies and rules devastate the fair, just policies of law and deliberate forms of discriminations against males are enforced by the feminists’ rules nationwide and abuse or misuses of law and opportunity are vastly manipulated. The findings also suggest that such institutional ill forms of treatments agitate social peace stability and cause nascent state of injustices due to lacking in presence of a competent leader for long time and public unawareness of democratic systems of laws and rules in the country.  Â
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