Weapon is seemingly mightier than wisdom is the topic of research study contains perspectives of geo-political, economical , psycho-factors , socio-cultural and regimental mechanisms within regional boundary and outside borders. The macro and micro issues of all those concerns have been analyzed , examined and synthesized well to conclude the latent inter-related endowments of findings which are including knowledge of material uses and productions for earthly entity do not exceed the ranges of powers of weapon manipulated by humans because those intelligences and knowledge are men made as artificial ones. Weapon is the sources of  might or power of all gains that are madly pursued by the most rulers being oblivious of tomorrow’s position do not consider twice to wipe out the civilizations.  Original senses and sources of wisdom lie beyond materialistic channels of conquer by the humans and such superior layers of wisdom are invincibly extant and pervasive throughout the multi-universes are sparsely grasped by a few enlightened sages on earth. It is obvious that knowledge as wisdom thought by many pedants is distorted, misinterpreted and then inspired to use it for self glory.     Â
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